2025 CHAMPIONSHIP information
Sat 25 Oct – Wed 29 OctÂ
Ballarat, VICÂ
Students must turn 10, 11 or 12 in the year of competition
IMPORTANT information
Please read all information prior to nominating for trials below
Nominations close: Fri 11th April 2025
Squad selection announcement: Mon 5th May 2025
Trial Cost
Administration fee of $15.00 per student to noimnate.
Please be advised that if selected:
The total cost of the Championship is estimated at $1000Â (this does not include any flights or accommodation), less fund raising.
Travel Model
The School Sport WA preferred travel model is for students to travel and accommodate with their parent/guardian. Flights have been booked for team officials and their flight information will be provided at the parent information meeting.
Any variation to this model will be communicated at the initial trial
Trials are not conducted to select the SSWA Swim team. The squad will be selected with times from Swimming WA endorsed events only.
Multi-Class Athletes
The program includes events for Multi Class Athletes and SSWA encourages students with a classification to nominate for selection.
To be eligible for selection students must:
Be a full time student at a DoE recognised educational institution.
Be aged 10, 11 or 12 years old, as at 31 December in the year of competition.
** Please note that all competitors in the 10-12 year championship are permitted to participate, with the additional stipulation that a parent or nominated guardian must accompany them for the duration of the Championship.
** Please note SSWA reserves the right to withdraw this team from the SSA Championship if insufficient numbers of students are selected in the team.

Nominations open late January in the year of the competition.