- A copy of the nomination form and event details is available on the School Sport WA website. (
- Players must complete the official nomination form and pay the required fee/deposit.
- The nomination form is to be submitted online, by the due date
- The Convenor of Cross Country (or nominee) will oversee the selection process.
- The State Team Head Coach/Manager or nominee shall be the chief selector.
- The SSWA cross country committee shall appoint other selectors as appropriate.
- No selector shall be involved in the selection of any player who is directly related to them.
- All selections will be advised of their inclusion in writing and duly provided with all relevant and appropriate information at the earliest convenience.
- Nominated squad members will be required to attend a parent meeting where conditions of team inclusion will be explained.
- A window period of up to six days will prevail for the opportunity to accept/decline the offer of team selection.
Participation in the nominated School Sport WA State Championship event is required for selection consideration. Exceptions will be granted only in exceptional circumstances. Where exceptional circumstances prevail each application claiming exemption will be considered on its merits and in that situation other ratified times at approved events will be considered.
- Â Athletes are selected in the following age groups: 10yrs*, 11yrs*, 12yrs, 13yrs, 14&15 yrs, 16&17yrs and 18&19yrs.
- The team will not include any athlete who will not turn 10 or be over 19 years of age before December 31 in the year of competition.
- The 10,11 and 12 year old athlete team contingent  will comprise of 6 boys and 6 girls in each age division.
- All other age groups team components comprise 6 boys and 6 girls.
- SSWA reserves the right to take up to 20% more competitors as per SSA/AA rules and guidelines outside of the teams component. Additional competitors will be classified as state representatives at the National Championship, will not gather team points for their event participation but will be recognised according to their official race place.
- Selectors will choose the squad of athletes at the end of the official SSWA state championships. Â In exceptional circumstances other Athletics WA events may be referred to in order to consider selection.
- Note. 10 and 11 year olds [in the year of competition] will compete in an event at the Secondary Championship by invitation based on their placement at the previous official SSWA primary championship. The selectors retain the right to issue invitations to other credentialed  athletes. Individuals may also enter the State Team Selection Races.
- Runners are ranked according to time with some of the age groups combined as above. Natural timing cut offs will be used to select the final athlete in each age category.
- Any need for replacement due to injury, sickness or other under exceptional circumstance will be at the discretion of the selection panel.
*Â Students who turn 10 or 11 in the year of competition and who are selected in the final team must be accompanied to the event by a parent or nominated guardian even if the student stays in the team accommodation.
** Students 13 and over who are selected in the team will be required to be accommodated with the team unless exceptional health circumstances prevail requiring the parents to care for their child. This will be negotiated in conjunction with the Tour Leader.
- Prior achievements and accomplishments outside of trials and squad training may be considered.
- All squad members and their parent/guardian are required to attend an information session at a nominated place and date and comply with the directives issued after team selection has been confirmed.
- Athletes in events 12 years and under are not permitted to wear spikes.
Medal Winner Policy
- The winner of the Cross Country Medal will be based on the achievements of the athletes during the National Championships. This will be decided by all the staff attending the event.
- Athlete deemed to have perseverance, commitment and team spirit, as voted by team officials and athletes.