Sun 3rd – Sun 10th August
Maroochydore, QLD
12 years and under as of 31 Dec in the year of competition
IMPORTANT information
Please read all information prior to nominating for trials below
The School Sport Australia Interstate AFL 12s Championships are a Combined Championship with boys and girls 12s teams.
The process, from trials to travel, runs from April to early August.
Selected students into the final team are expected to attend and participate in training sessions each week in the lead up to National Championships.
Trial Cost
[Note: Home Education students will be charged an additional
$10 trial fee]
Tour Cost
Please be advised that if selected:
The total cost of the Championship is estimated at $1000Â (this does not include any flights or accommodation), less fund raising.
[Note: Home Education students will be required to pay a $120 fee in addition to all other costs]
Travel Model
The School Sport WA preferred travel model is for students to travel and accommodate with their parent/guardian. Flights have been booked for team officials and their flight information will be provided at the parent information meeting.
Any variation to this model will be communicated at the initial trial
Families are to source their own flights and accommodation with the expectation that all players arrive in Maroochydore by 5pm on Saturday, August 2nd.
Trials will run over a four week period with the total number of students reduced after each phase.
PHASE 1 – Thursday 24th & Saturday 26th April 2025
Game One: 9.00am – 11.00am (Thursday 24th)
Game Two: 11.30am – 1.30pm (Thursday 24th)
Game Three: 9.00am – 11.00am (Saturday 26th)
Game Four: 11.30am – 1.30pm (Saturday 26th)
Students will be allocated one of the trial games above. Details regarding this trial, including all logistics, will be emailed directly to parents as the trial period draws closer.
After Phase 1 of trials, the squad will be trimmed to 90 players.
PHASE 2 – Saturday 3rd May 2025
Game One: 9.00am – 11.00am
Game Two: 11.30am – 1.30pm
Game Three: 2.00pm – 4.00pm
Successful Phase 1 students will be allocated one of the Phase 2 trial games above. Details regarding this trial, including all logistics, will be emailed directly to parents as soon as possible after the Phase 1 trials are completed.
After Phase 2 of trials, the squad will be trimmed to 60 players.
PHASE 3 – Saturday 10th May 2025
Game One: 9.00am – 11.00am
Game Two: 11.30am – 1.30pm
Successful Phase 2 students will be allocated one of the Phase 3 trial games above. Details regarding this trial, including all logistics, will be emailed directly to parents as soon as possible after the Phase 2 trials are completed.
After Phase 3 of trials, the squad will be trimmed to 30 players.
PHASE 4 – Saturday 17th May 2025
Game: 10.00am – 12.00pm
Successful Phase 3 students will be required to attend the final trial game above. Details regarding this trial, including all logistics, will be emailed directly to parents as soon as possible after the Phase 3 trials are completed.
After the Phase 4 trial, the final team of 23 players will be selected.
Please check the SSWA website for the final announcement of names.
23 players will be selected to represent WA at the upcoming National Championships, to be held in Maroochydore, QLD.
2 players will be offered ‘train-on’ positions outside the selected 23 players. Train-on players are expected to train with the final team in the lead up the National Championships. Should an injury occur to one of the listed 23 players, causing them to be ruled out of the National Championships, the coaching staff will select one of the ‘train-on’ players to replace that player in the selected side.
Trials: Birralee Reserve, Innaloo
Training: TBA
Championship: Maroochydore, QLD
Training will commence once the selected 2025 team has been announced, and families have attended the Parent Information Evening on Thursday 22 May.
Training Venue: TBA
Training Day: Mondays 4pm – 6pmÂ
Training will be held weekly and increasing to twice weekly leading up to the championship.
Training will continue through the school holiday period.
Session 1: Monday 26 MayÂ
Session 2: Monday 2 JuneÂ
Session 3: Monday 9 June
Session 4: Monday 16 June
Session 5: Monday 23 June
Session 6: Monday 30 June
Session 7: Monday 7 July
Session 8: Thursday 10 July
Session 9: Monday 14 July
Session 10: Thursday 17 July
Session 11: Monday 21 July
Session 12: Thursday 24 July
Session 13: Monday 28 July
Practice Games will be added to the program. Dates and times will not be available until these games have been confirmed.
Championships are open to all West Australian students, whether or not they are members of an affiliated club. Students must meet the following criteria:
- Be a full time student in a WA school*
- Be 11 or 12 years as of the 31 December in year of competition
- Students MUST be born 2013 /2014 in 2025
All SSWA teams are selected on merit according to the published selection process for that team or sport.
* SSWA teams are open to ALL students from any of WA’s government or non-government schools.
SSWA is seeking nominations from students who would like to umpire (Field, Boundary or Goal) at the National Championship.
Please nominate on the tab below.Â

Nominations open late January in the year of competition.
click the button/s below to nominate