SOUTH WEST CROSS COUNTRY who to contact COORDINATOR Jason Reid Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School [email protected] OFFICE CONTACT Peter Smith SSWA [email protected] key information NOMINATION DUE Fri 27 June 2024 Cost $70.00 per team COMPETITION DATE Tuesday 5 August 2025 VENUE Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School NOMINATE Nominations open early January in the year of the the button/s below to nominate SCHOOL NOMINATION competition details INFORMATION COST RISK MANAGEMENT INFORMATION CROSS COUNTRY PROGRAM OF EVENTSCROSS COUNTRY INFORMATION BOOKLETÂ CROSS COUNTRY ATHLETE LIST BLANK COST $ 70 per team Please complete the nomination form by the due date. An invoice will be sent to all nominated schools in due course. Thank you for choosing to be involved in a School Sport WA Champion Schools event. RISK MANAGEMENT RISK MANAGEMENT PLANVenue Certificate of Currency RESULTS & HISTORY