SSWA Annual General Meeting – Tuesday 31 May 2022

School Sport WA would like to announce our upcoming AGM and we welcome all SSWA members to attend;

Date: Tuesday 31 May 2022

Time: 4.00pm

Venue: Tuart College Staffroom [A105], Hodgson Street, Tuart Hill

The following items will be on the Agenda for the Meeting:

  1. Attendance and Apologies
  1. Adoption of 2021 AGM Minutes
  2. President’s Address
  3. Manager’s Report
  4. Annual Financial Report and Balance Sheet
  5. Election of Office Bearers
    • President
    • Primary Vice President
    • Primary Management Committee members [2 positions]
    • Secondary Management Committee members [3 positions]
    • Sport Coordinators
  6. Auditor Appointment
  7. General Business
  8. Notice of Motion to Amend the Constitution

The Meeting will be followed by finger food and refreshments until 6:00pm

Click HERE for the proposed ‘Notice of Motion’ to amend the SSWA Constitution.

Members are permitted to appoint another member to vote and speak on his/her behalf at the AGM. The appointment of the proxy must be in writing and signed by the member making the appointment and presented before any voting takes place. Click HERE for a Proxy Appointment Form.

Nominations for Management Committee positions and Sport Coordinator positions have closed.

Click HERE to see a list of nominees for each position

Nominations can be accepted from the floor of the AGM for positions with no current nominees.

We look forward to seeing you all at the AGM.

Cricket 12 yrs and under Girls Squad announced

Congratulations to the following students who have been selected in the 12 Yrs and Under Girls Cricket extended training squad.

Garbriella Allen Roleystone Community College
Hannah Chivers Padbury Catholic Primary School
Caitlin Beck Scared Heart College Sorrento
Sophie Drakeford Churchlands Senior High School
Chelsea Babic Hawker Park Primary School
Jennifer Marpole Padbury Catholic Primary School
Kaitlyn Magistro Kent Street Senior High School
Sarah Brooker Lake Joondalup Baptist College
Scarlett Bell Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School
Araai Deshmukh East Kenwick Primary School
Viyana Abeyratna Harrisdale Senior High School
Tharuli Kankanige Don Aubin Grove Primary School
Kayleigh Lynch St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Bunbury
Indi Gascoyne St Johns School Scarborough
Addison Wallis St Stephens Duncraig
Lucia McCarthy Churchlands Senior High School
Kitty Wilkinson Sorrento Primary School
Stella Ferguson Newman College
Summer Henry Belridge Secondary Collge
Amani Sharma Victoria Park Primary School
Kina Patel Bletchley Park Primary School
Abigail Tutt Infant Jesus Morley

Training details will be released shorted, once they have been finalised and emailed to squad members.  Please contact team officials by email  for any further information.

Cricket 12s Boys Squad Announced

Congratulations to the following 68 students who have made it through to the Second trial for the Cricket Male 12 yrs and Under team.

The next stage details will be emailed to the students.

Shakeel Anzir Caversham Valley Primary School
Harry Mitchell Archibald Kensington Primary School
Rhys Betley Tranby College
Sachin Bhaskaran Poynter Primary School
Beau Blackburn Scotch College
Parker Byfield St Joseph’s Primary School, Northam
Jaxon Calton Davallia Primary School
Tanveer Chauvan St Brigid’s Primary School
Ashley Clayton Kent Street Senior High School
Zane Clements Northam Primary School
Christopher Cooney John XXIII College
Jackson Darling Hale School
Shayan Dash Rostrata Primary School
Luca Diamanti Tranby College
Laselle Dissanayake Regent College
Mitchell Dobson Banksia Park Primary School
James Dyer Newman College
Diyon Etampawala All Saints’ College
Nicholas Filippou Christ Church Grammar School
Lucas Fry Scotch College
Billy Gamble Eddystone Primary School
Brayden Ginn Upper Swan Primary School
Aarav Gohil Bob Hawke College
Luke Grantham Glengarry Primary School
Tyler Grant-Mackay Aquinas College
Leo Harvey St Mark’s Anglican School
Spencer Hathrill Trinity College
Isaac Henry Sacred Heart College
George Huckle Port Hedland Primary School
Ethan Jack Tapping Primary School
Neil Jain St Brigid’s Catholic Primary School
Jack Jenkins Hale School
Divyendu Kataragadda Kennedy Baptist College
Reuben Lewis-Jones St Mark’s Anglican School
Benjamin Lincoln Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School
Sebastian Magorian Sacred Heart College
Lachlan Martin St John’s Primary School Scarborough
Daniel Masterson Baldivis Primary School
Daniel May Hale School
Nathaniel Melvin Springhill Primary School
Chayse Moir Arbor Grove PS
Angus Noble Scotch College Perth
Joshua Partington St Lawrence’s PS Bluff Point
Aaryan Patel Belridge Secondary College
Eric Patel Peter Carnley Anglican Community School
Om Patel Peter Carnley Anglican Community School
Max Pavlinovich Wesley College
Will Petchell Bob Hawke College
Matthew Power Aquinas College
Brock Prance Warwick Senior High School
Akain Senul Ranawaka Ursula Frayne Catholic College
Beau Rebeira Mindarie Primary School
Connor Rice Kennedy Baptist College
Ryan Roshan Perth Modern School
Hamish Saunders Mazenod College
Spencer Sharpe St Luke’s Catholic Primary School
Cooper Shepperbottom Wanneroo Secondary College
Jack Stockdale St. John’s Scarborough
Johnson Tailor Kennedy Baptist College
Kyle Taylor Swan Valley Anglican Community School
Ashton Taylor Alkimos College
James Tyson Ashdale Primary School
Elijah Ugle Cooloongup Primary School
James Walawski Scotch College
Aiden Wilson Banksia Park Primary School
Dylan Wood Governor Stirling Senior High School
Hamish Wood Guildford Grammar Preparatory School
Finlay Workman Ocean Reef Primary School



SSWA Football(Soccer) 16s District Squads Announced

Congratulations to the following 83 students who have been selected to represent their district in the final round of the State Team selection process.

All students will need to go online to purchase their playing shirt for the event.  The shirts will cost $35 which is to be paid on debit or credit card.  Please click HERE to pay for your shirt.

Students will need to be at Hossack Reserve on 5th May at 8.30.  Finished by 3pm.

Students to bring shorts and socks. Your coach will indicate what colour.  Please email your coach for any further details.

District Coach Email
South Neil Addison [email protected]
South West Peter Rickers [email protected]
South East Tony Campbell [email protected]
North East Joe Wright [email protected]
North West Alf Debono [email protected]


First Surname School District
Muhammad Faizal Abd Sahak Safety Bay SHS South
Cosmo Aiken SEDA College North West
William Allford Safety Bay SHS South
Jake Armstrong John Curtin College South West
Coen Baird Court Grammar School South
Will Barker Cape Naturaliste College South
Joshua Bell Lynwood SHS South East
Jamie Bilaloski Mercy College North East
Luke Blythe Woodvale SC North West
Felix Boateng Willetton SHS South East
Phoenix Borg Ocean Reef SHS North West
Jackson Campbell Lynwood SHS South East
Mark Cinzah Emmanuel Christian Community School North East
Bailey Collingwood Safety Bay SHS South
Josh Connoly Irene McCokmack CC North West
Efraim Cung Emmanuel Christian Community School North East
James Daubney Perth Modern South West
Andrew Doan Mercy College North East
Kayle Dowsett South Coast Baptist College South
Nicolas Echeverria Mazenod College South East
Joel Ellery John Curtin College South West
Taj Filipe Sacred Heart North West
Tyler Fitch John Curtin College South West
Jack Fryer Safety Bay SHS South
Sher Hossin Hasani Lynwood SHS South East
Liam Hattersley Woodvale SC North West
Luka Herninger John Curtin College South West
Naveed Jawid Lynwood SHS South East
George Jones South Coast Baptist College South
Naveed Juma Lynwood SHS South East
Ayush Kothari Ashdale Secondary College North East
Anthony Lance Carey Baptist College Harrisdale South East
Chayse Laverty Hale School North West
Rohan Lawlor Pinjarra SHS South
Jacob Leahy Lynwood SHS South East
Richard Lee Mount Lawley SHS North East
Oliver Leeming Lake Joondalup BC North West
Dennis Liankar South East
Kaien Lim Churchlands SHS North West
Alexander Linnell Shenton College North West
Daniel Lomas Woodvale SC North West
Kent Luitingh SEDA College North West
Noah Lummert John Curtin College South West
Joseph McEvatt Safety Bay SHS South
Aaron McKay Safety Bay SHS South
Jaydon McKay South Coast Baptist College South
Alasdair McKenzie Frederick Irwin Anglican School South
Brodie McKinlay Safety Bay SHS South
Jamie McNelis John Curtin College South West
Ben Michael Perth Modern South West
Mustafa Mohammadi Lynwood SHS South East
Ketut Muir John Curtin College South West
Alexander Nawn Rehoboth Christian College South East
Leroy Ncube Peter Moyes Anglican Community School North East
Ethan Pangilinan Chisholm Catholic College North East
Davin Park Willetton SHS South East
Ariyan Patel Lynwood SHS South East
Beaudy Patten-Williams Safety Bay SHS South
Ali Rahimi North East
Austin Reynolds Swan Christian College North East
Jono Ricupero John Curtin College South West
Leo Rietkerk John Curtin College South West
Jamie Robinson South Coast Baptist College South
Matthew Rollin Willetton SHS South East
Abdul Saccoh Dianella Secondary College North East
Darius Salvetti John Curtin College South West
Keh Blue Moo Say Dianella Secondary College North East
Ali Reza Sharifi Lynwood SHS South East
Jack Sprigg Sacred Heart North West
Reece Strydom John Curtin College South West
Aab Tamochan Lynwood SHS South East
Anthony Texeira CBC Fremantle South West
Gary To Shenton College North West
Mathijs Travasso Nagle Catholic College North East
Regan Tulloch Mercy College North East
James Waterman Pinjarra SHS South
Rhys Whatt Shenton College North West
Max Winton Geraldton GS North West
Tyson Woolfenden John Curtin College South West
Taylor-Phoenix Wright Lake Joondalup BC North West
Cameron Zappia Rossmoyne SHS South West
Roland Zathang Emmanuel Christian Community School North East
Joseph Zathang Emmanuel Christian Community School North East


SSWA Churchlands Cell Swimming Carnival Results

Congratulations to Mt Hawthorn PS on winning today’s carnival.  Full results can be viewed on the SSWA website at:

SSWA Primary School Swimming Carnival – Churchlands Cell

The following prinary schools are participating the the swimming carnival today at HBF Stadium: Woodlands, Kapinara, Wembley Downs, Mt Hawthorn, Churchlands, North Beach, West Leederville and City Beach.

The carnival is being live streamed at:

SSWA Primary Swimming Carnival Results

Congratulations to Wembley PS and Como PS on winning the carnivals today.  Full results can be found on the SSWA website at:

Primary Swimming Carnival Progressive scores

SSWA Primary School Swimming Carnivals – Progressive scores

Update at: 12:30pm

Gold Carnival Points Position Black Carnival Points
Wembley PS 293 1 Como PS 319
Subiaco PS 241 2 Sorrento PS 256
Carine PS 227 3 Collier PS 239
Floreat Park PS 205 4 South Perth PS 207
Manning PS 126 5 Inglewood PS 199
Karrinyup PS 123 6


This event is being live streamed at:

Primary School Swimming Carnivals at HBF Stadium today

School Sport WA Primary School Swimming Carnivals are starting today at HBF Stadium.
We have 11 schools competing in 2 Carnivals concurrently.
The following schools are competing in the Gold Carnival: Manning PS, Wembley PS, Carine PS, Subiaco PS, Floreat Park PS and Karrinyup PS.
The Black Carnival schools are: Sorrentto PS, Inglewood PS, Como PS, Collier PS and South Perth PS.
The races are being live streamed at: