Touch Football 12s Boys Team Announced

Congratulations to the following students who have been selected in the 12 Years & Under Boys Touch Football team to travel to Wagga Wagga (NSW) in October.


Hemi Brown Aranmore Catholic College
Levi Herbert Dawson Park Primary School
Levi Jetta Aranmore Catholic College
Cooper Kihi Edney Primary School
Rylee Kihi Edney Primary School
Cassius Lilii Atwell College
Tyson Lilii Wirrabirra Primary School
Harvey Marshall Curtin Primary School
Finley Newton Fremantle College
Joel Peterson Our Lady of the Cape
Longoatu Jr Vaka Baldivis Primary School
Tyrese Wainohu Atwell College
Joshua Websdale Trinity College
Nash Wepa Darling Range Sports College


Maikah Horner Comet Bay Primary School
Daniel Poga Servite College

No training Wednesday 13/7/22. Next training 20/7/22

Compulsory uniform fitting 20/7/22 – this will start at 4.30 for those that can make it to allow for training.

Compulsory Parent Meeting 20/7/22 – 5.30- 6.30

All at Treeby.

Football (Soccer) 16 yrs and under team announced

Congratulations to the following students who have been selected for the Boys 16yrs and Under Football (Soccer) team.

Players will be contacted regarding training and practice games.

Players are reminded that they must complete their online uniform order immediately.


Josh Bell Lynwood SHS
Bailey Collingwood Safety Bay Senior High School
James Daubney Perth Modern School
Kaien Lim Churchlands Senior High School
Daniel Lomas Woodvale Secondary College
Noah Lummert John Curtin College of the Arts
Joseph Mcevatt Safety Bay Senior High School
Jamie McNelis John Curtin College of the Arts
Benjamin Michael Perth Modern School
Mustafa Mohammadi Lynwood Senior High School
Ketut Muir John Curtin College of the Arts
Austin Reynolds Swan Christian College
Jonathan Ricupero John Curtin College of the Arts
Leo Rietkerk John Curtin College of the Arts
Reece Strydom John Curtin College of the Arts
Taylor-Phoenix Wright Lake Joondalup Baptist

Please contact Coach Tony Campbell if you require any further information – [email protected]

Cricket Boys 12 yrs and under squad announced

Congratulations to the following students who have made it through to the Winter Program for the Cricket Boys 12/U team.


Ashley Clayton Kent Street Senior Highschool
Luca Diamanti Tranby College
Laselle Dissanayake Regent College
Diyon Etampawala All Saints’ College
Aarav Gohil Bob Hawke College
Tyler Grant-Mackay Aquinas College
Leo Harvey St Marks Anglican School
Isaac Henry Sacred Heart College
Jack Jenkins Hale School
Divyendu Kataragadda Kennedy Baptist Collage
Reuben Lewis-Jones St Marks Anglican School
Benjamin Lincoln Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School
Daniel May Hale School
Angus Noble Scotch College Perth
Om Patel Peter Carnley Anglican Community School
Max Pavlinovich Wesley College
Matthew Power Aquinas College
Brock Prance Warwick Senior High School
Beau Rebeira Mindarie Primary School
Hamish Saunders Mazenod college
Johnson Tailor Kennedy Baptist College
Elijah Ugle Cooloongup Primary School
Dylan Wood Governor Stirling Senior High School

An email will be sent out with further information.

Football (Soccer) Girls 18 Yrs & Under team announced

Congratulations to the following students who have been selected in the 2022 WA Senior State Schoolgirls Football (Soccer) team.

The team will travel to Glenwood, Sydney for the School Sport Australia Cmapionships between 10 September and 16th September 2022.

The next playing event for all players in Wednesday 29th June at Bruce Lee Oval Fremantle for a 6.30 kick off.

Mischa Anderson Mindarie Senior Collage
Zara Board John Curtin Collage of the Arts
Georgia Cassidy Woodvale Secondary Collage
Jessica Flannery Ursula Frayne Catholic College
Hannah Insch Lake Joondalup Baptist College
Grace Johnston John XXIII College
Sam Mathers John Curtin College of the Arts
Kate Nolan Iona Presentation College
Jayde O’Donohoe Sacred Heart College
Sophia Papalia John Curtin College of Arts
Faye Phillips Darling range sports College
Alex Poad John Curtin College of the Arts
Anna Powell John Curtin College of the Arts
Katie Ritchie Mindarie Senior College
Olivia Wood Prendiville Catholic College
Stella Zampogna Sacred Heart College

Cricket 12s Girls Squad announced

Congratulations to the following students who have made it through to the final trial stage for the Cricket Girls 12s team.


Gabriella Allen Roleystone Community College
Caitlin Beck Sacred Heart College Sorrento
Sophie Drakeford Churchlands Senior High School
Kaitlyn Magistro Kent Street Senior High School
Sarah Brooker Lake Joondalup Baptist College
Araai Deshmukh East Kenwick Primary School
Kina Patel Bletchley Park Primary School
Amani Sharma Victoria Park Primary School
Kayleigh Lynch St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Bunbury
Indi Gascoyne St Johns School Scarborough
Addison Wallis St Stephens School Duncraig
Lucia McCarthy Churchlands Senior High School
Kitty Wilkinson Sorrento Primary School
Stella Ferguson Newman College
Summer Henry Belridge Secondary College
Chelsea Babic Hawker Park Primary School
Viyana Abeyratna Harrisdale Senior High School

The details of the next stage of trials / training will be released shortly, once the details have been confirmed

Football (Soccer) Boys 12 yrs and under Squad announced

Congratulations to the following students who have been selected in the 2022 Primary Boys 12s Football (Soccer) team to play at Lark Hill Sporting Complex Port Kennedy [Saturday 16th October 2022 – Friday 21st October 2022]



Aaron Black Mt Lawley Senior HS
Charlie Brayshaw Sth Coast Baptist Coll
Dhaniel Brown John Curtin Coll of the Arts
Kanato Etheridge St Abndrews Grammer Sch
Seth Gibbons Sth Coast Baptist Coll
Leandro Jesus Sth Coast Baptist Coll
Archer Jouana Carine SHS
Noah Lowden Lake Joon. Baptist Coll
Andre Musca Trinity College
Reggie Martin Mindarie Primary Sch
Markus Palen Tuart Hill PS
Riley Robertson Santa Clara School
Jayden Whall Safety Bay SHS
Jake Williams Applecross SHS
Marco Agnelli Illawarra PS
Riki Hirobe John Curtin Coll of the Arts
Frankie Inzalaco Lake Joon. Baptist Coll
Reed Thompson Sth Coast Baptist Coll

Congratulations to all who have made the squad of 14 players and the backup squad of 4.

To those who have missed out, well done. If you did not succeed this time take heart from the fact you gave it your all and look forward to the next opportunity which we are sure will come your way.

To everyone including parents for your time attending trials a big thank you from Tony Carvajal (Coach) and Paul Planken (Manager).


A reminder to all team members that the next Saturday 18th June 2022 at Aubin Grove Recreational Centre from 01:00pm there will be a Uniform fitting session followed at 02:00pm by the Parent Information Session.

This will be followed by a Training Session at the usual time of 04:00pm to 05:30pm or earlier dependent on circumstances.

Swimming 13-19 years Squad announced

Congratulations to the following students who will be offered a place in the SSWA 13-19 yrs Swimming Team to participate in the School Sport Australia National Schools Swimming Championshps in Brisbane from 14 – 20 August 2022.

All students and parents are invited to attend a Parent Meeting and Uniform Fitting Session at Tuart College on Thursday 16th June.  The Parent Meeing will commence at 5:30pm and will be followed by the uniform fitting at 6:00pm.

Parents will receive full details on the tour to Queensland at this meeting and it is compulsory for people to attend.  Please email Lorraine Feddema [Tour Leader] or Peter Smith [SSWA Manager] if you have any issues attending the meeting.  Email addresses are listed on the SSWA website:

Meeting Details:

Date: Thursday 16th June 2022

Time: 5:30pm – 7:00pm

Venue: Tuart College, 105 Banksia St Tuart Hill [Enter from Hodgson St Entrance]

First Surname Full School Name
Sean Alcorn Mandurah Catholic College
Jemma Apps Shenton College
Hayley Bandy Safety Bay Senior High School
Charlotte Bass St Hilda’s Anglican girls school
Mackenzie Bell Lynwood Senior High School
Olivia Boulton Central Midlands Senior High School
Jessica Bourke St Marys Anglican Girls School
Isabelle Brockhurst Penrhos College
Bridgette Brodalka Prendiville Catholic
Valentina Caminita Darling Range Sports College
Sam Carmignani Sacred Heart College Sorrento
Xavier Collins Trinity College
Ciara Conroy Penrhos College
Keala Crawley Yanchep Secondary College
Thomas Davis Wesley College
Thomas Dreverman Aquinas College
Harrison Farmer Trinity College
Lucas Fazari Servite College
Andrea Fazari Servite college
Hayden Ferguson Wesley College
Jacob Hale Lumen Christi College
Luna Harrison Ocean Reef Senior High School
Finlay Hayes Mandurah Catholic College
Ryan Hewlett Wanneroo Secondary College
Amy Kerr Georgiana Molloy Anglican School
Sahmara Kirby Iona Presentation College
Brielle Krispyn Manjimup Senior High School
Blair Kruger Shenton College
Megan Maley Frederick Irwin Anglican School
Telarriah Mc Grath Dalwallinu District High School
Callum McCourt Rossmoyne Senior High School
Beau Mepham Wesley College
Jasmine Mercer Shenton College
Eilidh Milne Corpus Christi College
Sienna Pitt Santa Maria College
Anouk Potter St George’s Anglican Grammar School
Anisha Raja Azizi Lynwood Senior High School
Scarlett Riddle Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School
Lenny Russell Kolbe Catholic College
Max Sharp Our Lady of Mercy College
Isabel Sheldrick Iona
Tadhg Smith Sacred Heart College
Helen Smith Santa Maria College
Griffin Szczecinski Wesley College
Luciana Taraborrelli Perth College Anglican School for Girls
Alexey Ulupov Seton Catholic College
Dustin Vernall Aquinas College
Calia Vlastuin Foundation Christian College
Jurgens Wilson St Mark’s Anglican school
Jack Woods Christian Brothers College
Cody Zambon Mandurah Baptist College

Swimming 10-12 years Squad announced

Congratulations to the following students who will be offered a place in the SSWA 10-12 yrs Swimming Team to participate in the School Sport Australia National Schools Swimming Championshps in Brisbane from 18 – 23 August 2022.

All students and parents are invited to attend a Parent Meeting and Uniform Fitting Session at Tuart College on Thursday 16th June.  The Uniform Fitting Session will commence at 5:00pm and will be followed by the Parent Meeting at 5:30pm.

Parents will receive full details on the tour to Queensland at this meeting and it is compulsory for people to attend.  Please email Lorraine Feddema [Tour Leader] or Peter Smith [SSWA Manager] if you have any issues attending the meeting.  Email addresses are listed on the SSWA website:

Meeting Details:

Date: Thursday 16th June 2022

Time: 5:00pm – 6:30pm

Venue: Tuart College, 105 Banksia St Tuart Hill [Enter from Hodgson St Entrance]

First Surname School
Sophie Cappati Burrendah Primary School
Sophie Dean Perth College
Jorja Donnan Iona Presentation College
Paige Dredge Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School
Brielle Dredge Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School
Rhys Fowler Our Lady of Good Counsel
Archer Harrison Scotch College
Eli Hickman Aquinas College
Charlie Huckle Quinn’s Baptist college
Mila Johnson St Mary’s Anglican Girls School
Aaden Kettle St Brigid’s College – Lesmurdie
Brodie Moir Collier Primary
Cassidy Moody Frederick Irwin Anglican School
Jay Pfoeffer Leschenault Catholic Primary School
Chayse Pitt St Columbas Catholic Primary School
Sam Reynolds Christ Church Grammar School
Eloise Sheldrick Saint Hildas Anglican Girls School
Jessica Stewart Carine Primary School
Isla Tan West Leederville Primary School
Matthew Trueman Aquinas College
Angelina Ung All Saints’ College
Kaydee Van Deventer Newman College
Alexander Vreeken Tranby college
Charles Westran Mazenod College
Lua Wilson St Mark’s Anglican school
Abigail Yeoh Success Primary School

AFL 15s Team announced

Congratulations to the following boys who have been selected in the 2022 State Schoolboys side to play in the School Sport Australia National Championships in Lavington, NSW.

All players including Train-on players are required to attend training, Parent Meeting and uniform fitting on Tuesday 14th June – 3:30pm – 7:00pm

  • Training: 3:30pm -5:30pm at Karrinyup Reserve, 45 Huntriss Rd, Karrinyup
  • Parent Meeting and Uniforming: 5:45 – 7:00pm at Tuart College, 105 Banksia St, Tuart Hill [Enter from Hodgson St]
First Surname School
Deacon McGuire Aquinas College
Tyson McGuire Aquinas College
Brodyn Robinson Comet Bay College
Cooper Bewick Lake Joondalup Baptist College
Cale Scott Aquinas College
William York Our Lady of Mercy College
Zachary Sarsero Comet Bay College
Taj Longmuir Wesley College
Rhama Evans Nagle Catholic College
Blake Kelly Guildford Grammar School
Toby Whan Mazenod College
Jadd Hill Mazenod College
Zane Gartrell Duncraig Senior High School
Dylan Scott Bunbury Catholic College
Cole Trinder Trinity College
George Stoney Scotch College
Nicholas Clifton Kolbe Catholic College
Isaak Wittkuhn Kennedy Baptist College
Darcy Montgomery Wanneroo Secondary Collage
Max McCullough St Stephen’s School Duncraig
Marcus Cassidy Trinity College
Judd Marcello Duncraig Senior High School
Noah Midani Safety Bay Senior High School
Basil Hart Newton Moore Senior High School
Matthew May Kennedy Baptist College


Tex Spargo Fairbridge College
Lucas Ali Aquinas College
Will Ross Mazenod college
Kayden Smylie Comet Bay College
Bodhi Pringle Kolbe Catholic College
Jamie Sidebottom Helena College
Jonah Klemke Mater Dei College
Matthew Becker Comet Bay College
Riley Groves Warwick Senior High School
Lexcen King Mandurah Catholic College


Football (Soccer) 16s Squad announced

Congratulations to the following students who have made it through to the next trials for the Boys 16yrs and Under Football (Soccer) team.  All players are required to attend the next round of trials on 15th June.  This will be a game against Forrestfield under 18 at Hartfield Park.  Please be there for 5.20pm


Jake Armstrong John Curtin College of the Arts
Josh Bell Lynwood SHS
Bailey Collingwood Safety Bay Senior High School
James Daubney  
Gion Escape St. Norbert Catholic College
Kaien Lim Churchlands Senior High School
Daniel Lomas Woodvale Secondary College
Noah Lummert John Curtin College of the Arts
Joseph Mcevatt Safety Bay Senior High School
Jamie McNelis John Curtin College of the Arts
Benjamin Michael Perth Modern School
Mustafa Mohammadi Lynwood Senior High School
Ketut Muir John Curtin College of the Arts
Leroy Ncube Peter Moyes Anglican Community School
Austin Reynolds Swan Christian College
Jonathan Ricupero John Curtin College of the Arts
Leo Rietkerk John Curtin College of the Arts
Reece Strydom John Curtin College of the Arts
Taylor-Phoenix Wright Lake Joondalup Baptist
Cameron Zappia Rossmoyne Senior High School


Please contact Coach Tony Campbell if you require any further information – [email protected]