Bunbury SHS, Bunbury Catholic College & Christmas Island DHS win Country Week Champion School

Congratulations to all 46 schools that compteted in SHS Country Week 2022.
Well done to the following schools who placed in the Champion School Competition.
Tier 1 (10+ sports)
Winner: Bunbury SHS
Second: Albany SHS
Third: Manea SC
Tier 2 (5-9 sports)
Winner: Bunbury CC
Second: Great Southern Grammar
Third: Australind SHS
Tier 3 (4 or less sports)
Winner: Christmas Island DHS
Second: Merredin College
Third: Broome SHS

SHS Country Week Results 2022

Well done to everyone on a great week.  Full placings for all sport are available to download HERE.

Results for the 3 tiers of Champion School will be published at 12pm at Monday 5th September.

Boys 12 yrs and under Cricket Team announced

Congratulations to the following students who have been selected in the 2022 12/U Cricket (Male) team to travel to Shepparton, Victoria in November.

Ashley Clayton Kent Street Senior Highschool
Diyon Etampawala All Saints’ College
Aarav Gohil Bob Hawke College
Leo Harvey St Marks Anglican School
Jack Jenkins Hale School
Om Patel Peter Carnley Anglican Community School
Matthew Power Aquinas College
Brock Prance Warwick Senior High School
Akain Senul Ranawaka Ursula Frayne Catholic College
Beau Rebeira Mindarie Primary School
Hamish Saunders Mazenod college
Johnson Tailor Kennedy Baptist College
Elijah Ugle Cooloongup Primary School


Luca Diamanti Tranby College
Angus Noble Scotch College Perth
Daniel May Hale School

All further information will be emailed out to parents and players.

SHS Country Week underway

enior High Schools Country Week is underway for 2022. The event is hosted by School Sport WA, and there will be 3000 students and 380 staff from 46 schools in Perth for the week of competition. The event was last held in June 2019.
The students are competing in AFL, Basketball, Netball, Dance, Hockey, Indoor Cricket, Speech and Debating, Touch Football, Soccer and Volleyball.
Games are held in the Mt Claremont area at Bendat Basketball Stadium, UWA Sports Park, Gold Netball Cente, HBF Stadium, King St Arts Centre and Seamer Sports Centre.
The week will conclude on Friday with finals for all sports.
Fixtures and Results can be found on the SSWA website: https://www.schoolsportwa.com.au/senior-high-schools/

SSWA Primary Schools Cross Country Event

Over 2000 students wil be competing in the State Primary Schools Cross Country Championships at UWA Sports Park tomorrow.

Here is the schedule:

  • click on the Event Name to go to live results of each race
9.30 Official’s briefing  
10:00 Girls Year 4 2000m
10.20 Boys Year 4 2000m
10:40 Girls Year 3 2000m
11.00 Boys Year 3 2000m
11.20 Girls Year 5 2500m
11:50 Boys Year 5 2500m
12.20 Girls Year 6 2500m
12:50 Boys Year 6 2500m
1.30 Team Presentations  

Girls 12 yrs and under team announced

Congratulations to the following students who have been selected in the 2022 Girls 12yrs and under Cricket team to travel to Shepparton in November.


Caitlin Beck Sacred Heart College Sorrento
Chelsea Babic Hawker Park Primary School
Kaitlyn Magistro Kent St Senior High School
Sarah Brooker Lake Joondalup Baptist College
Araai Deshmukh East Kenwick Primary School
Kina Patel Bletchley Park Primary School
Amani Sharma Victoria Park Primary School
Viyana Abeyratna Harrisdale Senior High School
Addison Wallis St Stephens Duncraig
Lucia McCarthy Churchlands Senior High School
Stella Ferguson Newman College
Summer Henry Belridge Secondary College
Gabriella Allen Roleystone Community College


Train on squad members

Sophie Drakeford Churchlands Senior High School
Kitty Wilkinson Sorrento Primary
Kayleigh Lynch St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Bunbury
Indi Gascoyne St Johns School Scarborough

A notification to all parents and team members in travelling squad that the information night is on Monday 12th September 2022 5.00pm to 7.00pm at the WACA. More details to be released in the future.

Diving 10-19 Years State Team announced

Congratulations to the following students who have been selected in the SSWA 10 – 19 years DIVING team to travel to the School Sport Australia Diving Championships in Brisbane from 18th – 25th November 2022.


Sara BROWNE Dalkeith Primary School
Jordannah FAUNTLEROY Churchlands Senior High School
Hannah HARRIS Southern Hills Christian College
Zoe JAGGER Presbyterian Ladies College
Daniella MCGREGOR-BAYNE Churchlands Senior High School
Hannah MIN OO Santa Maria College
Charlotte ROBERTS Ocean Reef Senior High School
Monet SPIREK Methodist Ladies College
Emily WALLACE St Mary’s Anglican Girls School
Ayala WILLIAMS Lesmurdie Senior High School

A reminder to all team members to attend a compulsory Parent Meeting & Uniform Fitting on: 

Monday 5th September 2022

Uniform Fitting: 6pm – 6.30pm

Parent Information Session: 6.30pm – 7.30pm

Tuart College, 105 Banksia Street, Tuart Hill.

For any further information please contact Team Official- Lorraine Feddema – [email protected]

Touch Football Girls 15s Team Announced

Congratulations to the following students who have been selected in the Girls 15 Years and Touch Football team to travel to Wagga Wagga (NSW) in October 2022.


Mackenzie Baker St Norbert’s College
Ally Bowman St Mary’s Anglican Girls School
Isabella Brown Iona Presentation College
Eternity Davies Coastal Lakes College
Zoe Giles St Norbert’s College
Hayleigh Heather Warwick Senior High School
Awhina Heke Aranmore Catholic College
Sienna Lewis St John Bosco College
Jaime-lea Macdonald Mercedes College
Teiana Mainwairing Aranmore Catholic College
Keiter Marshall Corpus Christi College
Natalie Poga Servite College
Ghaeddia Rihari Nagle Catholic College
Kylah-rey Theke Kupa Aranmore Catholic College

Congratulations to the following students who have been selected as TRAINING SHADOWS in the Girls 15’s Touch Football team.

Asha Bishop Cannington Community College
Lily Robinson Seton Catholic College
Mikayla Ward Shenton College

No training Wednesday 13/7/22. Next training 20/7/22

Compulsory uniform fitting 20/7/22 – this will start at 4.30 for those that can make it to allow for training.
Compulsory Parent Meeting 20/7/22 – 5.30- 6.30
All at Treeby.

Touch Football 15s Boys Team Announced

Congratulations to the following students who have been selected in the Boys 15 Years and Under Touch Football team to travel to Wagga Wagga (NSW) in October 2022.

Dermott Arthy Peter Moyes Anglican Community School
Jayden Bennett Darling Range Sports College
Brodie Dunn Wanneroo Secondary College
Kaiawha Heke Aranmore Catholic College
Ricco Lilii Atwell College
Jahkayis Mabbett Atwell College
Tane Makowharemahihi Warwick Senior High School
Dekoda McGregor Lakelands Senior High School
Matua Reedy Aranmore Catholic College
Montana Setu Atwell College
Curtis Strickland Manuel-Nathan Atwell College
Kaden Te Wano Wanneroo Secondary College
Kanae Tihore Atwell College
Kingston Tioriori Rockingham Senior High school

Congratulations to the following students who have been selected as TRAINING SHADOWS in the Boys 15’s Touch Football team.

Crockett Henry Coastal Lakes College
Chad Giles St Norbert College
Shilo Makaea Seton Catholic College
Isiah Wuruki Guildford Grammar School

No training Wednesday 13/7/22. Next training 20/7/22

Compulsory uniform fitting 20/7/22 – this will start at 4.30 for those that can make it to allow for training.

Compulsory Parent Meeting 20/7/22 – 5.30- 6.30

All at Treeby.

Touch Football 12s Girls Team Announced

Congratulations to the following students who have been selected in the 12 Years and under Touch team to travel to Wagga Wagga (NSW) in October 2022


Ava Berryman Prendiville Catholic College
Zara Berryman Beaumaris Primary School
Samantha Bowman St Mary’s Anglican Girls’ School
Scarlett Brown West Leederville Primary School
Olivia Chambers Ursula Frayne Catholic College
Allirra Clarke-Hooper Warnbro Community High School
Jayda Heather Illawarra Primary School
Moana Heke Halls Head Primary School
Journey Mabbett Halls Head Primary School
Maddison Mann John Curtin College of the Arts
Caris Strickland Manuel-Nathan Atwell College
Mileah Taylor Aranmore Catholic College
Isabella Ward Shenton College
Matilda Nicole (Shadow) All Saints College
Mila Pierce (Shadow) North Beach Primary School

No training Wednesday 13/7/22. Next training 20/7/22

Compulsory uniform fitting 20/7/22 – this will start at 4.30 for those that can make it to allow for training.

Compulsory Parent Meeting 20/7/22 – 5.30- 6.30

All at Treeby.