INTERstate team parents
Congratulations on your selection as a potential member of a School Sport WA interstate team. We trust that, subject to final confirmation, your experiences gained as a member of this team will be enjoyable, rewarding and provide enduring memories.
To confirm a place in the team you need to complete the following steps by the due dates provided.
- Complete the Online Uniform Order.
- Complete the Interstate Online Registration.
- Complete and return the Interstate Team Acceptance Form to the SSWA office (this form needs to be signed by the student, parent and school principal). This form is included in the Parent Information Booklet, which was distributed at the Parent Meeting, and is available on the above link.
- Pay the required deposit via the Pay Here Button.
Only completion of the above steps will confirm the student’s place in the team.
Failure to respond within the prescribed time frame will indicate you do not wish to accept a place in the team.
To complete the ‘Interstate Online Registration Form’ you will need the following information;
- Contact details for student and parents including address, phone, mobile and email address [note: student name must be as per birth certificate for booking purposes]
- Medicare number
- Health Fund name & member number
- Medical conditions
- Allergies
- Date of last tetanus injection
- Medication details
- Dietary requirements
- Swimming Ability
- Emergency contact details [person other than parents]
Please click HERE to complete the ‘Interstate Online Registration Form’.
Team Acceptance Form – click HERE
The total cost of the Championship is estimated at $1000 (this does not include any flights or accommodation), less fund raising. Team membership will be confirmed upon completion of all required documentation and payment of the deposit.
A deposit is due on or before the nominated date [within 15 working days of the Parent Meeting]. The deposit must be paid by the requested date to confirm team membership.
A final payment of the balance will be made two weeks prior to departure. Travel will only be permitted if team members have fully paid, or a Financial Agreement contract has been negotiated, and lodged, with SSWA in advance.
Payment can only be made via:
- Visa or MasterCard via the SSWA website HERE
Local Sporting Champions Grant Program. Please click HERE
Athlete Travel Subsidy Scheme – Please Click HERE for eligibility criteria.
Australian Sports Foundation Fundraising Program – Please click HERE
An online uniform order will need to be completed on the following link within 3 working days of the Parent Information Meeting. Both the “walk out” uniform and “playing” uniform are ordered based on the sizes selected at the try on fitting.
The uniform order and payment is to be completed online at
If you have any issues when placing your orders, please contact OnTrack Sportswear Customer Service Team and they will be able to assist.
Email: [email protected] or call (03) 9765 5800 Mon to Fri 8am till 4pm AEST.
Alternatively, if you missed the information evening or would like to try on items again, please contact Glenn from Victory Athletic on 0431 636 214 to arrange a fitting time.
Once the order is confirmed any additions or alterations will be transacted directly with the clothing supplier Glenn Stockden. [OnTrack Sportswear] – [email protected]
In the event that you need to exchange/return an item, the process is outlined on the Return/Exchange Form
Please note custom garments where numbers/names are printed on the garment cannot be returned.
Students in Year 10, 11 and 12 who are selected in SSWA state representative teams can be recognised for the significant learning encompassed within such activities through the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) endorsed programs. Schools must be approached by the student to enrol them in the relevant endorsed program category.
To be awarded credit points, students must commit a number of hours outside of school time to activities associated with the development of skills and performance relevant to the specific sport. Typically players would accumulate this time through training and competition. Coaches and managers will manage and monitor this time. A large proportion of SSWA Interstate teams, travel and play over a 5 day period, while being involved in a training and selection process prior to this.
Students are required to present an evidence portfolio of learning to SSWA officials and the school for assessment and reporting.
Schools must be approached to enroll students in the ADESP.
Click HERE to visit the SCSA (ADESP – Elite Sports Performance) website for specific details
For more information and the School Sport WA Portfolio please click HERE
We value the opinions of parents and students involved in our Interstate Program.
This feedback will be used to enhance future tours and we thank you for taking the time to contribute your thoughts.
Please click HERE to complete the Online Survey